
More News. 17-09-2024.

 Afternoon, More News to come, Check back here soon for, Info, News and Photos. At the current time there are 44 passenger trains that go past the Raglan Railway Station. I am wondering if 2 or 4 of these services could stop at the Raglan Railway Station. If you have any Ideas on this please contact me at,

Trip Report. 17th Sept 2024.

Good Morning, Trip report for the 9th, 10th and 11th of September. Travelled to Lithgow Monday the 9th Photos taken at  Clandulla, Rydall Eskbank, In the Forest, Iron Ore Train, Marrangaroo, twice, Fletchers and Qube Container Trains. A Visit to the Raglan Platform, all Legal and above Board. And the Viaducts, with the Indian Pacific. Clandulla Railway Station.

News. 31-08-2024.

 Good morning, Check the Link above for more Info, News and Photos.

The Link. 14-08-2024.

Hi again, The link to this Page , or part of it is, Au, Australia ahrsi, Australian Heritage Railway Stations and InFrastructure, a Registered name with Asic. news, covers everthing I write about. April 2024, when I started the Blog.

Promoting Girilambone R. S. 14-08-2024.

Good morning, I am doing a 4 week plan to Promote this Railway Station. April 2021.

Rail Passenger Services. 13-08-2024.

Evening, Here is a Link with lots of info about Railway Passenger services,,html