Girilambone Railway Station. 28-04-2024.

 Good Morning,

April 2019,

My First contact with the Bogan Shire Council was in April 2019, where I was involved via several emails with several people, as I was looking at a Project for the Station, to get a Lease myself, But, Council was awarded a Grant for 1 Million Dollars thru a Stimulus Package, so my plans for the Railway Station were dropped.

I have done several Write Ups, and will add the links here later today.

More photos to come soon.

More Photos Here,

My first write up was at this Link,

The Write up is on the 25 of July.

Some Interesting Information,

In July 2019, 8 post's were made by Secret Admin and Trackside saying I had Rocks in my Head for trying to do something with the Girilambone Railway Station.

As it turns out the Local Council had a similar Idea, got a Grant to Restore the Building, and now it looks like a Million Dollars.

Would you say that is egg on your Face, I would for sure.


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